
Hope4Liam Interview on Galway Bay FM

In an interview on Galway Bay FM’s Keith Finnigan Show on Tuesday, December 12th, Aideen Molloy, principal of the local school where Liam attended and where his mother, Colleen, works, discussed the Hope4Liam campaign and its aims to support Liam’s recovery after his life-changing accident. The campaign aims to provide him with the necessary resources to help him on his journey towards healing.

Liam’s brother, Patrick Davoren, also had the opportunity to discuss Liam and the type of person he is, giving us an insight into his wonderfully strong spirit.

At its core, Hope4Liam is a campaign that seeks to rally the community around Liam, offering him support during this challenging time. The campaign aims to raise funds to provide Liam with the resources he needs to aid his recovery process. 

During the radio interview, Aideen and Patrick discussed the various ways in which the community plans to raise funds for Liam’s cause. Additionally, the campaign has forged connections with Liam’s friends in Boston and Chicago, fostering an international network of supporters who are eager to contribute to his recovery.

Hope4Liam is a testament to the incredible capacity for compassion and support that exists within a community. By launching this charity campaign, the local school, Liam’s sports clubs, along with Liam’s family and friends, aims to provide him with the resources and encouragement he needs to overcome his life-changing accident.

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